Friday, 30 May 2014

Two Brain | Right Brain, Left Brain | Split Brain

What Do you think with?

In general, the left and right part of brain process information in different ways. While we have a natural tendency towards one way of thinking, the two sides of brain work together in everyday life. The right brain of the brain focuses on the visual, intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective. While the focus of the left brain is verbal, more logical, analytical, and objective.

The Right Brain
According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are popularly associated with the right side of the brain include:
·         Recognizing faces
·         Expressing emotions
·         Music
·         Reading emotions
·         Color
·         Images
·         Creativity

The Left Brain
The left-side of the brain is considered to be adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The left-brain is often described as being better at:
·         Language
·         Logic
·         Critical thinking
·         Numbers
·         Reasoning

"No matter how different both these brain process information, though, the two sides still work together" 

Thursday, 29 May 2014


Negative power
We all get it from time to time, those dreadful, dismal, dragging, dirty, despondent feelings. This happened to me like a cycle(comes and goes time to time) For some days I do get in trap of this negative power.

Now What causes this colorless force and what can we do to defeat or deter them?

Generation of negative energy is to think too much and if one negative energy allowed in, there is a chance that you will invite their other "buddies" to join.

Colorless Energy Reduced Brian Activity and Person can Undergo Depression.

To detect it
first thing to do is check out your energy level, this can be done with a photograph or just by sensing yourself. Or  
  • The eyes of the person look odd, Or 
  • The person's behavior changes, they become cruel to their loved ones. Or 
  • Head and Heart action does not synchronize with each other.

Keys To Raising Spirits(Draining colorless Force)
Discover your heart. Discover that you are still in human form and can't be perfect all the time. If you fall, get back up and on the right road.
Brain Activities Drain this like..
  • Exercise -  Many research studies show that regular rigorous exercise improves brain function and brightens people’s moods. This may be tied to improvements in the supply of blood flow to the brain.
  • Music - Many people also find music helps brighten their moods – the music stimulates their brains and their bodies into greater activity.
  • Proper Diet – helps to stay calm and gives  good physical energy to handle this.
  • Feel Every movement – feel each and every movement and live as first day of life.
  • Play Some games – this can also keep your brain busy and  do not invite this energy.
  • Posture – sitting in a rite posture gives a confidence and throughout all negative energy.
  • Stimulants - Other types of stimulants like alcohol, drugs or caffeine may produce the same effects but with negative consequences. We can achieve many of the same things naturally without these negative consequences.
  • New thoughts - We can choose to stimulate our own minds with lots of challenging, interesting thoughts. People who continually love to learn or acquire new skills or languages are found to retain their mental acuity into old age.
The Best Stimulation of All Is Happiness, Fun and a Good Time. Habitually Happy People Try To Have A Good Time All of The Time. 

Why Not Try It, It’s A Great, Fun Way To Brighten Your Mood, Defeat The Colorless Forces and Sharpen Your Mind!

Power Principle!!

Do as you would want to be done!!
  • Take Stipulated time to listen.
  • Encourage others to become the best they can possibly become.
  • Be a giver more than a receiver.
  • Say please and thank you.
  • Smile first.
  • Be Generous.
  • Appreciate the simple.
  • Correct in private.
  • Applaud in public.
So do as you would want to be done, and that way you will live a fulfilled life designed by following this powerful principle!!

About Secret Walk | What is Secret

We all have areas in our lives that need some improvement–whether its career, relationship, fitness or just overall mental and emotional state. Although making changes in any of these categories sounds like a huge undertaking, it all starts with making goals and taking that first step. Sometimes even that sounds daunting and we need a little bit of inspiration before we can take any steps. Through this blog I will try to build some moral booster. Check out this inspiration blog and start improving your life and see how much your life has got improved then the previous day!!!