Friday 19 December 2014

What song are you today?? || Music People || Music is Your Mood

 Hello guys!!
 its been long that I haven’t  written anything.. without wasting any time lets start doing some activity, this time too keep yourself calm and relax from the inner side lets go for activity.. as all of know that all we need is the innerpiece.. so here we go for same…  

Every day, thousands of people around the world listen music they love:
Now, this is a time to listen it differently…
Differently means you can Keep your mood same for whole day.. or for few days…
This activity is already being done by many of the music channels.. in which they keep playing some songs in loop until some of the song gets stuck on your tongue..
Lets start with this….Puton your earphone and get lost in music..

A small activity that can change life...
Just follow these two steps…
   1)  To do this choose one song from your playlist.
   2)  Keep playing it in loop until your mood changes to this song’s mood.

Now, you can see whole day your mood will be same and all of your negative energy will go away…you will start loving your job and all the things that you don’t like to do.
It shows the diversity all over the world and encourages our feelings of unity. Enjoy!
Do celebrate the spirit & feel of music..