Friday 3 July 2015

Let the world laugh at you!!
To grow and to get your dream start laughing with the people who laugh at you. Then learn from your mistakes and workout on each and every part of you to extreme. Remember, No one born genius! And to become one you must go through many stages of life at different level.
3 stages of life:
      1)      Insult 
      2)      Honour
      3)      Respect

It is the beginning of for glory. If you are getting insult that means you are working, and working means moving towards your goal. Lots of pressure comes suddenly and people start discouraging you but one never get discourage from insult and take it as a positive thing.

Once you pass the 1st stage, its time to move to new stage where people knows you because of your good work. They do not see you like idiot anymore but see you like you have done something. It mean they see qualities in you. But still you can get discourage from them. Because they can’t do the things themselves that you are doing. Again take this discouragement as a positive thing and keep moving towards your goal.

It is the final stage where one find something that he is trying to get from the beginning of his journey. on this stage even if someone say something negative to you, Even A part of negative makes you feel good. You only feel this stage with no pressure on you. This stage comes only if you passed the two stages enthusiastically. You find a different world when this comes. No one can bother you anymore and one become what you wanted to become from the beginning.
Start working for you goal and remember these three small things.
“we are all work in progress”

Friday 19 December 2014

What song are you today?? || Music People || Music is Your Mood

 Hello guys!!
 its been long that I haven’t  written anything.. without wasting any time lets start doing some activity, this time too keep yourself calm and relax from the inner side lets go for activity.. as all of know that all we need is the innerpiece.. so here we go for same…  

Every day, thousands of people around the world listen music they love:
Now, this is a time to listen it differently…
Differently means you can Keep your mood same for whole day.. or for few days…
This activity is already being done by many of the music channels.. in which they keep playing some songs in loop until some of the song gets stuck on your tongue..
Lets start with this….Puton your earphone and get lost in music..

A small activity that can change life...
Just follow these two steps…
   1)  To do this choose one song from your playlist.
   2)  Keep playing it in loop until your mood changes to this song’s mood.

Now, you can see whole day your mood will be same and all of your negative energy will go away…you will start loving your job and all the things that you don’t like to do.
It shows the diversity all over the world and encourages our feelings of unity. Enjoy!
Do celebrate the spirit & feel of music..


Saturday 2 August 2014

And the World is Yours!!

Live your life on your terms, the way you want to! Only you know what is best for you. no one else. Listen to their advice, by all means, but make your decisions as to what feels right for you!!!

                                                                     AT PEACE!!!

Tuesday 1 July 2014

You make the Right Decision or You make the Decision Right | What do you think? | Mind Makeup!! |

Times when we have to decide something and we just don't know what to do!! 

The first step is usually to collect information. You have to look at the facts of the situation: What's for and what's against. But even then, you still may not be able to come to a conclusion. Pros and cons are one level of decision-making but not the most vital one. 

When we can't make up our minds, it's because of our minds, or what I call "the voice in your head." Many people don't even know they have this voice. But it's talking away, creating a never-ending inner speech.
During tough choices, this voice isn't very helpful. Often it criticizes, keeping a running commentary about you and all the things you did wrong or you just didn't do. It's like living with somebody who can't stand you, much less anybody else. You wouldn't want to live with a person like that. You would walk out of the relationship. But since you can't get free of your mind, you're stuck. The result? You get discouraged. You can't see the positive side to what might come from your decisions. 
The voice in your head also creates a huge amount of problems that aren't really problems. They're just things that haven't happened yet, things that could happen tomorrow or next week. Listening to unreal problems has another name: worrying. That's what the voice in your head does. It what-ifs. It frets. It agonizes, and you can no longer sense the joy of life. 
Now imagine that that voice inside your head suddenly stops. You realize, Wow, it's so beautifully quiet. This is exactly what you need to make an effective choice. You need to be present. You need to be free of anything other than what is happening now. 
You can choose to be present anywhere, in any situation, by moving the focus of your attention away from thinking and into the aliveness of your entire body. 

When you're present, your sensory perceptions—your hearing, your seeing—instantly increase. You'll feel a stable.

This doesn't mean that you completely disregard or ignore the future, and it doesn't mean that you can no longer think about what you're going to do tomorrow. It just means that the focus of your attention is in the present moment. You need to plan for certain things but always come back to the immediacy and liveliness of what's really happening. 

How do we do this? One way is to start recognizing that voice in your head. Once you hear what you're thinking, you may be able to stop thinking. Another way is to ask yourself What problem do I have right now? Often, this wakes you up.

Once you understand what your situation actually then, of course, you can stop struggling. The situation exists. You don't have to worry about it or drink over it or cry or debate or ask others for advice. You can stop resisting it because what was making you sick was your own thinking about it. 

Ultimately, I believe, whether you choose one way or the other doesn't matter. If you're present when you make your decision, then you'll be present in the next situation—and be ready to make choices as the need comes up.

Become decision fit. Think clearly and act decisively on your own decisions!!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Door Of Happiness!!

Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You choose happiness. it is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be. Happiness is not merely a life lived for moments of pleasure. but, happiness is a long lasting enduring enjoyment of life, it is being in love with living.
Being happy is linked to better health and even a longer life.

Happy people have modest levels of expectation and aspirations. They want what they can get. while unhappy people never seem to get what they want. They also know how to avoid disappointments and how to generate pleasant surprises. This is because they live for realistic goals. we must accept things as they come. 

Happy people do what they enjoy and enjoy what they do. There’s no point being stuck in a job you hate, surrounded by unfriendly colleagues just because the money is good. People forget that they are allowed to be happy at work, too. Many spend the best years of their lives trying to make money, sacrificing their health and family in the process. They do spend the same money they made working trying to recover their lost health and family. 

Don’t dwell on the past, on things that went wrong or previous failures. Similarly, don’t dream about an idealised future that doesn’t exist or worry about what hasn’t happened yet. Happy people live for the now; they have positive mind sets. If you can’t be happy today, what makes you think tomorrow will be different?

Don’t be afraid to step back and re-evaluate your goals. Imagine your life as a story that you can edit and revise as you go along. This kind of flexible approach requires positive thinking and an open mind. you need to actively choose to be happy.

We get our happiness from other people, and from supporting other people. Remember that just as other people can make us happy, we are all ‘other people’ to someone else. 

If you want to be happier, develop an outgoing, social personality. accept that drinks invitation, join any club, or anything u like. The best of pleasure is in the company of others.

You shouldn’t compare yourself with others, it’s important not to worry about what others think about you, only then you can truly be yourself.
Happy people are spontaneous, natural and real. they say what they think and  feel, and aren’t concerned what others think of them. Being oneself makes one feel free.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Happy people don’t worry and work at developing optimistic thinking. happy people always look on the  bright side. Successful people know to focus on winning, not losing

Happy people plan and organise, they have goals and a purpose. You can only get what you want or desire if you know what it is you want or desire in the first place. So while those chilled-out friends might seem happy, they’re actually just drifting along. 

Happiness can be learned. Happiness comes only from appreciating what you have. You can even be happy by appreciating your troubles because they do help to build your character and add value.

You will never be happier if you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation.

Friday 6 June 2014

How important is it to give a handshake?

A Handshake
we considers the handshake an enormous moment because we live in such a hands-off culture; thus, the handshake is often the first time two strangers make actual physical contact. The first derived impressions after you give a handshake run from professional to friendly way in a variety of situations.
The following four steps to give a handshake are basic.

Make eye contact
Start a proper manly handshake by doing three things at once: first, look the person in the eye. If you’re sitting, stand up, and as you stand, quickly and discreetly make certain your hand is dry by pressing it against your pant leg. when you give a handshake smile generally will work in your favor.
Escaping eye contact is a way to stir distrust. Making eye contact will give benefit in all respect.

Extend your hand
If you are being introduced to someone or introducing yourself, extend your right hand with your palm facing due left to give a handshake. neither lock your elbow so your arm is part of a joust nor tuck your elbow so far in that you’re making a right angle. Somewhere in the middle works just fine.
Remember, you are opening yourself up to a greeting.

Grip firmly
I think we all know what it means to grip firmly. No need to prove your strength — this isn’t the gym. The grip is where a lot of guys spy a moment to flex, to show who’s boss. If you meet one of these guys, do your best not to react. Just keep up your end of the bargain and grip like a man. When you give a handshake, grip as tightly as other person want you to grip.

Finally, the last step in giving a proper handshake involves the release. just go with the flow, since some people prefer a longer handshake, but you should be prepared to let go after those “two or three pumps” and try to signal as much by relaxing the muscles in your hand.

A handshake is a social convention that communicates a lot about us. The key is to toe the line: Clinging to another’s hand too long creates an awkward situation, while releasing too soon exudes its own level of discomfort!!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

What Personality are you? | Human behavior | Types of Personalities

External and Internal Personalities:

We meet so many people at work with different personalities. In order to shape up overall personality, both external and internal personalities count- you actually display outwardly as well as what you really are. At times, you may succeed in displaying good side of you despite your internally weak personality but it requires lots of efforts. On the other side, if your internal personality is good, you can learn to display yourself that way easily with much less efforts.
Both the types of personalities are important. While internal personality is the real you and your all time asset and that should be excellent, It is important to have impressive external personality too, as you are aware that at times, first impression may be the last impression. You may not get another chance to correct that impression if it was not OK for the other person who matters to you.
It is important to improve both the elements of the personality. Good external personality is necessary to create first good impression on the people. However, over the long term, one's internal personality element is more important, useful and lasting. One should have integrated internal personality.

What personality are you
What personality are you?

Internal personality:
“What you really are from inside”
Internal personality includes:
  • Sensing- five senses comes under this.
  • Thinking- Thinking people are objective and make decisions based on facts.  They are logical and  more objective.
  • Intuition- more deeper then sense and also called as “sixth-sense”.
  • Judging- person approach life in a structured way, creating plans and organizing their world to achieve their goals. Take decision quickly and clearly.
  • Feeling- Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values.
  • Perceiving- person keep their options open and think randomly. They like to act spontaneously and are adaptable. 

External Personality:
“This is what you look outside” or “what outside world look you”
External personality includes:
  •          Physical fitness- The body's ability to function efficiently and effectively
  •          Dress sense- Put on some attractive combinations of clothes.
  •          Body Language- Feel through physical behavior.
  •          Cleanliness- Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral quality.
  •          Impressive communication- To make person impressive and influential.
  •          Mannerisms-person’s distinctive gesture.

"The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people - and yourself."