Tuesday, 3 June 2014

What Personality are you? | Human behavior | Types of Personalities

External and Internal Personalities:

We meet so many people at work with different personalities. In order to shape up overall personality, both external and internal personalities count- you actually display outwardly as well as what you really are. At times, you may succeed in displaying good side of you despite your internally weak personality but it requires lots of efforts. On the other side, if your internal personality is good, you can learn to display yourself that way easily with much less efforts.
Both the types of personalities are important. While internal personality is the real you and your all time asset and that should be excellent, It is important to have impressive external personality too, as you are aware that at times, first impression may be the last impression. You may not get another chance to correct that impression if it was not OK for the other person who matters to you.
It is important to improve both the elements of the personality. Good external personality is necessary to create first good impression on the people. However, over the long term, one's internal personality element is more important, useful and lasting. One should have integrated internal personality.

What personality are you
What personality are you?

Internal personality:
“What you really are from inside”
Internal personality includes:
  • Sensing- five senses comes under this.
  • Thinking- Thinking people are objective and make decisions based on facts.  They are logical and  more objective.
  • Intuition- more deeper then sense and also called as “sixth-sense”.
  • Judging- person approach life in a structured way, creating plans and organizing their world to achieve their goals. Take decision quickly and clearly.
  • Feeling- Feeling people are subjective and make decisions based on principles and values.
  • Perceiving- person keep their options open and think randomly. They like to act spontaneously and are adaptable. 

External Personality:
“This is what you look outside” or “what outside world look you”
External personality includes:
  •          Physical fitness- The body's ability to function efficiently and effectively
  •          Dress sense- Put on some attractive combinations of clothes.
  •          Body Language- Feel through physical behavior.
  •          Cleanliness- Cleanliness may be endowed with a moral quality.
  •          Impressive communication- To make person impressive and influential.
  •          Mannerisms-person’s distinctive gesture.

"The more you understand about personality, the better able you are to judge what motivates people - and yourself."