Friday, 6 June 2014

How important is it to give a handshake?

A Handshake
we considers the handshake an enormous moment because we live in such a hands-off culture; thus, the handshake is often the first time two strangers make actual physical contact. The first derived impressions after you give a handshake run from professional to friendly way in a variety of situations.
The following four steps to give a handshake are basic.

Make eye contact
Start a proper manly handshake by doing three things at once: first, look the person in the eye. If you’re sitting, stand up, and as you stand, quickly and discreetly make certain your hand is dry by pressing it against your pant leg. when you give a handshake smile generally will work in your favor.
Escaping eye contact is a way to stir distrust. Making eye contact will give benefit in all respect.

Extend your hand
If you are being introduced to someone or introducing yourself, extend your right hand with your palm facing due left to give a handshake. neither lock your elbow so your arm is part of a joust nor tuck your elbow so far in that you’re making a right angle. Somewhere in the middle works just fine.
Remember, you are opening yourself up to a greeting.

Grip firmly
I think we all know what it means to grip firmly. No need to prove your strength — this isn’t the gym. The grip is where a lot of guys spy a moment to flex, to show who’s boss. If you meet one of these guys, do your best not to react. Just keep up your end of the bargain and grip like a man. When you give a handshake, grip as tightly as other person want you to grip.

Finally, the last step in giving a proper handshake involves the release. just go with the flow, since some people prefer a longer handshake, but you should be prepared to let go after those “two or three pumps” and try to signal as much by relaxing the muscles in your hand.

A handshake is a social convention that communicates a lot about us. The key is to toe the line: Clinging to another’s hand too long creates an awkward situation, while releasing too soon exudes its own level of discomfort!!

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